Marvel heroes lore savage land
Marvel heroes lore savage land

She is one of the character model artists at Gazillion, and many believe that she is the strongest. I don’t think she is on Twitter, but she is all over the official forums. If you don’t believe that last part, click here to see a picture of the sheer joy on Ryolnir’s face a scoring a great deal on a Moon Knight statue.įinally, for my list of shout-outs, is the Dink. The guy is all over the forums interacting with the community, like here (scroll down) where he drops in to a thread to be one of many welcoming a new player to the game.īeyond this, however, a short span of time following him on Twitter will prove to you that he is the perfect person for his job. Ryolnir is the Creative Designer & Community Manager (and chief lore nerd) for Marvel Heroes. Next up is Ryan Collins, or Ryolnir as he is known to the Marvel Heroes and Twitter communities. Not only do I love that he and his wife are so into the game that they stream it regularly but, as a practical matter, it is a great way for them to connect to the community on a more personal level. How many other tip-top executives in the game industry regularly stream themselves playing their marquee game in varying states of inebriation. I haven’t been able to catch a stream due to the late hour at which they do so and my otherwise busy life, but I just love the fact that he does it. What really endears me to him, however, is that, somewhere between 2 and 4 nights a week, he and his wife stream themselves playing Marvel Heroes and drinking Scotch. In short, he is a great spokesman with a great pedigree. He does all sorts of interviews about the game and all his past experiences. He will at times directly engage gamers in discussions about Marvel Heroes on Twitter. David is active on Twitter and, to a lesser extent, on the official forums.

marvel heroes lore savage land

Creator of games like, you know, Diablo 1 and 2 and a host of others. Let’s start at the top with Gazillion’s CEO David Brevik. I am going to mention a couple of them here.

marvel heroes lore savage land

Having been through a number of games and viewed community interaction from other companies, Gazillion is one of the most invested, not only in their games, but in their community, in their source material, and in gaming in general. Once you get to know the dev team, through Twitter, the forums, a convention, or any other similar venue, you will love them.

marvel heroes lore savage land

I, of course, still enjoying quality products to which I have no personal connection, but I will more readily and joyfully consume that which is provided by the people I like.Īnd that is the first intangible that Marvel Heroes has going for it. If I have a personal connection with the producer, I am going to more readily accept the product. We more strongly felt their successes we more deeply felt their missteps.Īnd so to it goes with just about everything in life. When that happened, we also became more invested in the band. When I would show up alone, he would ask how she was doing and where she was, remembering her by name (probably helps that she is purty). When he would see us before a gig, he would make a bee line to us. Their music is great, but along the way we got to know the guitarist/lead singer. They have met with middling success, but they have been a national touring act that headlines smallish venues. There is this band that my wife and I are fans of. The Devs are Fans, are Responsive, and Care This post will meander through a number of seemingly disjointed topics, but they all have one thing in common – they help make this game great. Finally, the Marvel Universe is a beautiful place, and no game captures it quite like Marvel Heroes. It also includes the game itself, the love that is put into it, and the striving to always make it better, including its free-to-play elements. Once you get to know them, you want the game to succeed for their sake, and you feel happy for them when it does. I have never seen a group more invested in a game or the community. So what are the intangibles in this game? First and foremost, it is the development team. All easy enough to arrange in your head and vomit onto the page (or screen). This first two parts dealt with easy to quantify things like the number and diversity of characters in the game or the vast number of game modes that let you play the game in a number of different ways. I think that is mostly because it deals with intangibles – those things that are hard to nail down but, in this case, just make you love something even more.

marvel heroes lore savage land

I have been lax in getting to this third post on why I still play and love Marvel Heroes.

Marvel heroes lore savage land